When I was young, our country was not the great debtor nation of the world, but we were the great lender nation because we were the greatest nation in the world.
It seems that our government has set a direction for this country that will take God out of any thought and has sided with minorities, be they atheists, gays, or you name it, to turn some people and some churches away from the truth that God did send Christ into the world to provide the way of salvation.
I am starting to realize that I am getting old, because I can remember back, and not that long ago, when you would find Christmas celebrations in schools and city halls across this nation, and the White House had a Christmas tree, not a 'Holiday tree'. As you may have guessed, I am just trying to get your attention. Alice asked me to write a Christmas message for the blog, so 'Merry Christmas'! Oh my, I forgot that this may be read in a school or a public building and that is now against the law to say something that brings Christ into the conversation.